Wednesday, October 29, 2014

First out of the pool - 3 weeks old

Casper and Dot - first out of the pool on their own, they didn't know what to do once they were out. I came home from work and found them curled in a ball next to the pool.  Now they all sleep there, and have run of part of the bedroom.  Soon they will move down stairs.   Once on the porch, a new experience this week too, they expect to go out all the time.  I have little smudge paw prints on the bottom window panes of the door. They whine and carry on: "Let us out, Let us out!"  Their play has become pretty rough, and they carry things all over the place.  I have to kick them out of the room to replace bedding - they grab the towels and walk away with them, play tug, and carry on. 

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